Welcome Home
We would love for you to join us...
Service Times
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
(Childcare & children's programming at both services)
Special Event
Koinonia Potluck Fellowship 12:15 PM (1st Sunday of each month)
Dignity Ministry Worship Services (nursing homes)
Worship at the Estates 2:00 PM (2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays)
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
(Childcare & children's programming at both services)
Special Event
Koinonia Potluck Fellowship 12:15 PM (1st Sunday of each month)
Dignity Ministry Worship Services (nursing homes)
Worship at the Estates 2:00 PM (2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays)
Wednesday Night Services
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Bible Study Groups (All Ages) 7:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM
(Childcare provided during groups)
Bible Study Groups (All Ages) 7:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM
(Childcare provided during groups)
Young Adults Group 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Young Adults Group 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Holiday Services & Events
Good Friday Worship Service The Friday before Easter at 6:00 PM
Easter Brunch 10:00 AM on Easter Sunday
Easter Brunch 10:00 AM on Easter Sunday
Koinonia Sign Up

First Sunday of each month we share a noon meal together. If you are able to contribute please sign up for a dish to share with the group by clicking here: https://www.mealtrain.com/potlucks/5eewn7