"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30
Our Women's Ministry encourages and empowers women to be fully devoted followers of Christ in their homes, in the church and out in the world. The goal is for the women at RBC to make an eternal impact for this generation and those to come by showing love and sharing life in all their contexts. We accomplish our mission through Bible Study, prayer, discipleship, evangelism training, accountability, retreats, mission trips and special events.

Wednesday Night Groups

Sunday Morning Groups

Special Events
After 6 PM Dinner (learn more about dinner here) the Women Gather together for Bible Study from 7PM to 8PM. Lead by Women's Ministry Leader Carina Hill, the group reads scripture and unpacks what Gods Word says about God, Us as Women and how it impacts our lives.
*Not happening at this time due to a schedule change with Covid
Women's Game Night - Saturday, May 15, 2021
Women's Retreat - October
For a current list of Women's Events at RBC please reach out to Women's Ministry Director Carina by clicking here.
Women's Retreat - October
For a current list of Women's Events at RBC please reach out to Women's Ministry Director Carina by clicking here.
Women's Ministry Leader

Carina Hill is the Women's Ministry Leader at RBC. She is the wife of Lead Pastor Jackie Hill.